There are American/Dominicans living in the DR who can work as your remote & lower cost assistant, customer support, sales support, accounting or work that is unique to your company and can be performed online & phone. Working remote is easy in this modern world.

The cost can be 75% less than employees at your USA location.

The Dominican Republic is only 2 hours from Miami - same time zone as Eastern USA.


The video shows Tanisha in the DR who we set up to work with a company in New York as a "Permanent Contractor". The company owner uses Tanisha as remote/lower cost assistant.

She manages the company owner's calendar, website marketing, social media branding, sales prospect list building and even recruiting for 75% less than if she worked in mainland USA as a normal employee.

You may ask what is a permanent contractor? In the USA the IRS rules say if you manage a contractor same as an employee the IRS can force your company to convert the contractor to full time employee. This means penalties, back taxes and retroactive benefits. 

An example is paying a person as a contractor where there are no employee overhead costs yet using them to perform same job as an employee.

However, these IRS rules only apply to USA citizens, not to a person like Tanisha who can work for you remote from another country.

She has been with the company in New York the past 5 years as a permanent contractor and will continue long into the future and for 75% less because all employee overhead cost has been eliminated with the permanent contractor strategy.

Group of people working at a call center wearing headsets and looking very happy
guy at desk
Dominican call center girl 1
Dominican call center guy


It is important to know we are not a virtual/online assistant firm nor an offshore customer support/call center type of company.  And, is very important to understand the difference between them and our "permanent contractor" plan.

If you were to use an online assistant company or offshore call center you would be renting their employees to work for you as extra and expendable staff at the lower cost.

This sounds attractive but in reality the quality is very bad.  You see, they think of your company as just another client for as long as the work lasts and you think of them as extra rented and expendable people.

Although the cost is lower than a USA based employee there is no loyalty nor commitment to success on either side of this rent-a-worker scenario.

Here is our common sense permanent contractor alternative and let's use Tanisha from the video for this example.

Your Company > Our USA Corp > Our Dominican HR company > Tanisha in the DR

Assume you request a person to hire as an online assistant or customer support or something else. We recruit 3 English/Spanish speaking college educated people in the DR for you to interview over Zoom.

In this example you selected Tanisha.

Our Dominican HR company hires Tanisha on your behalf. The plan is for you and she to think of each other as employer & employee. We did not hire her as ours to rent to you. We recruited Tanisha specifically to work for you and we hire her through the HR company so she is legally paid in the DR.

Reminder: The IRS rules that govern use of contract workers do not apply to people in other countries.  Our hiring Tanisha through the HR company and handling her payroll opens the door for Tanisha to work for your company long term same as a normal loyal employee yet on paper she is a permanent contractor.

No Employee Overhead Costs and No Employee Legal Risks & Currency Exchange Rate explains how educated people in the Dominican Republic can work remote for companies in USA at 75% less than USA based employees.

Each month we FRONT the money to cover her payroll where your company reimburses ours the next month.

This is Critical: Because as you and Tanisha would think of each other as employer & employee this is where the loyalty and commitment to success comes from!

In realty, you and we together would be creating a better job for Tanisha in the DR than most anything else she will find there.

This fact also helps you understand why she would want to work for you long term = low turnover!

Due to the Permanent Contractor strategy you do not pay any of the following employee overhead costs.

A - No payroll or other taxes

B - No legal employment risk = no lawsuits!

C - No cost of health or other insurance

D - No cost for computers or internet

F - No cost to recruit and hire, and no cost to maintain a pipeline of people for future hires

By working for you as a permanent contractor and due to currency exchange rate and lower cost of living in the DR is how a person like Tanisha can work remote from DR for 75% less than in the mainland USA.

Video call such as Zoom or Teams with screen sharing enable you and Nicole to see and talk Live and you can show her work instructions using screen sharing. In this modern world Nicole can work from DR same as if she sits next to you.

We also provide the computers, high speed internet and a local supervisor in the DR who partners with you to help manager the person or people set up to work for you.

The Dominican Republic is not India or the Philippines and our service is not to be compared with an online assistant service, offshore recruiting or customer service call center.

The proper perception is to compare hiring a person like Tanisha to work remote from the DR to hiring a comparable employee in your city/location.

For more information send an email and check out our LinkedIn page.

(954) 464-6330 USA number is best to text so we can sort out a time to talk.


The Dominican Republic is only 2 hours from Miami. College educated English/Spanish speaking people can work remote from the DR as Permanent Contractors for 75% less than in the mainland USA. And, turnover is lower!

You can train permanent contractors for any work that can be performed online and phone. Examples are your personal assistant, customer support, recruiting, bookkeeping and payroll, sales research and assistant, etc.  

Zoom or Teams make it same as if your remote contractors are there in your USA office!


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